
Follow my many fitness adventures and my post-pregnancy weight loss journey

12 Week Challenge

Starting today!!! Challenge yourself for 12 weeks – No excuses!

What to do today:

  1. Determine what you would like to accomplish during the 12 weeks
  2. Record your starting weight
  3. Take circumference measurements (bust, waist, abdomen, hips, & thigh)
  4. Have your body fat tested (most gyms have a handheld device to test)
  5. Take your before photos (front & back) in whatever clothes you prefer

What to do for the 12 weeks:

  1. Weigh in weekly (same day every week)
  2. Plan & cook your meals for the week on a set day (My day is Sunday) Schedule it!
  3. Plan your workouts for the week (there is a great plan here and here) Try to workout most days of the week: 5-6 days (no longer than 2 hours each day) Take a REST when you need it.
  4. Record your progress: weigh ins each week, circumference every 2 weeks, & body fat every 6 weeks
  5. Take a progress photo at the 6 & 12 week marks (your 12 week photo will be your “after” photo
  6. Log what you eat (if nutrition is an issue for you) seeing exactly what you are putting into your body can make a HUGE difference in your success rate
  7. Stay focused on your goals and have fun!!

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